Congratulations on hosting your Launch Party! You did it! Woo-hoo! Now it’s time to get your brand-new team organized, set up structure and encourage participants to take on different leadership roles.
Here are the next steps (do these with the FOK Organizer):
- Debrief the Launch Party: What went well, what could be better for the next meeting?
- Who was at the Launch Party? Did anyone seem keen enough to be another team leader? Did anyone have particular interests?
- Consider group structure and leadership roles
- Setting up communication tools: team email address, team description on the For Our Kids website, group communications, orientation to Slack workspace, Nation Builder Team Space and Team Leaders Google Drive
- Make a plan for second meeting - is a date/time set? See example agenda here
Group Structure and Leadership Roles
Communication Tools
Team description on website
This is a landing page on the FOK website for your team. The page introduces your team and helps anyone in your area find out more about you and how to get involved. To start it can be a general description or a more personal introduction, and as the team solidifies you can add more info. Here are some examples:
- FOK Saskatchewan (more personal as the team is just starting out)
- FOK Cowichan or FOK Montreal (general)
- FOK Toronto or FOK North Shore (more info about past or upcoming actions, group goals/agreements, a sign-up list, etc.)
Editing your team description on webpage (optional)
Find your team’s webpage on the Teams list
If you want to edit your team's webpage, here is a video tutorial: How to edit your forourkids webpage
Second Meeting
Facilitating Meetings:
The goal of meeting facilitation is to help a group through an agenda in the time available and to help the group make necessary decisions and plans for implementation.
It’s a practice that we can all continually improve at, and one that changes depending on the context of the meeting.
For now, our meetings are all happening on Zoom, but the principles of meeting facilitation generally apply equally to online meetings and offline meetings. Here are some optional resources for you to check out:
Here is a short guide on facilitating online meetings (The Commons)
Here is a short guide to facilitating meetings (Seeds for Change)
And here is longer faciliation guide (Training for Change)
Here is an in-depth guide to meeting facilitation (Community At Work)
Team Roles & Team Structure
- Your role is to organize the group, but the team leader (or leaders) should certainly not be doing everything. The way you choose to structure your team is up to you. For detailed suggestions on team roles, see Resources and FAQs
Your to-do list:
Create an email account to your team (ex. forourkids[your town] and give the FOK Organizer the address
Set date for next team meeting, if it isn’t already set
Send a personal email to each Launch Party attendee:
Thank them for coming
Ask if they have any questions
Ask if they would like to have a one-on-one (Zoom) meeting with you
Ask FOK Organizer to create RSVP page for your next meeting. We are happy to do it!
Or, create it yourself: Tutorial video: How to create an event (RSVP) page in
FOK Organizer will:
Create a email account up for your team, send it to you, and have it forward to your new email address
Send you an RSVP page link for your next meeting (unless team leader wants to try it)
Request a logo from our graphic designer, for your team
Grant Nationbuilder permissions to your @forourkids email address so that you can send emails (“e-blasts”) to your team, set up RSVP pages, and edit your team’s webpage
Create filter for people in your area
Create an RSVP page for your next meeting(s)
The FOK Organizer is happy to create RSVP pages for your meetings for as long as you would like. When you or someone on your team is ready, you can learn how to create RSVP pages here
Training 3 - "Building a Team" Resources Recap:
Here is a short guide on facilitating online meetings.
Here is a short guide to facilitating meetings, generally, from Seeds for Change
Here is an in-depth guide to meeting facilitation from Community At Work
Tutorial video: How to create an event (RSVP) page in
- If you have any questions, or need more details on any of these steps, please reach out at [email protected]
- New Team Leader Training Homepage
- Resources and FAQs