Parents and grandparents across Canada are part of what The Guardian says "may be the biggest parent mobilisation on any issue in history."
Parents and grandparents across Canada are part of what The Guardian says "may be the biggest parent mobilisation on any issue in history."
On Nov. 5, delegates from Our Kids Climate and Parents For Future Global met with COP26 President Alok Sharma and passed on a clear message to world leaders: Do NOT betray our children and stop financing all new fossil fuels. They handed Sharma a letter signed online by parent groups from 44 countries, representing over 1 million parents around the world.
The letter calls on leaders to listen to the International Energy Agency's warning that there should be no new oil or gas exploration or coal-fired power stations, and supports a rapid and just transition for workers in fossil fuel industries. Parents presenting the letter shared their personal stories of children being harmed by toxic air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels and wildfires.
Along with signing the letter, members of parent groups in the For Our Kids network and our partners sent photos and messages that were included in a moving video you can watch below. The video was screened during COP26 and on COP26 TV.
Action in Canada
Meanwhile, actions across Canada strengthened the messages delivered in Glasgow. Parents and grandparents sent direct messages via email and social media to Canada's COP26 delegates. They visited their MP's offices with a visual call-out to turn the tide of climate inaction. And they marched in local climate actions in solidarity with those marching outside COP26.
Get involved
COP26 ends Nov. 12 but we can keep pressuring our elected leaders and ensure they do NOT betray our children: