Publishing opinion pieces and speaking with journalists is one way For Our Kids parents spread the word on climate action. Check out some these articles we've written or been featured in local and national media. If you are interested in writing an op-ed or talking to journalists, then please connect with us for training resources and support in getting your story out there.
Burnaby environment groups join climate strike
“It’s also a great opportunity for empowering the kids, and we can advocate for their future together,” [For Our Kids Burnaby member Kate] McMahon said. “I think being able to stand up there, use their own voices in a safe place, and seeing the adults around them advocating for their future...and teaching them how to use their own voices. I think this is a good way to counter anxiety, which is caused not only by worry about what the future holds but by seeing the inaction of their leaders as well.”
Read Lubna El Elaimy's full article in the Burnaby Observer here.