Publishing opinion pieces and speaking with journalists is one way For Our Kids parents spread the word on climate action. Check out some these articles we've written or been featured in local and national media. If you are interested in writing an op-ed or talking to journalists, then please connect with us for training resources and support in getting your story out there.

Parents come together to protect biodiversity at COP15

For Our Kids Montreal parent Jennifer Smith and Gabrielle Spénard-Bernier, of Mères au Front had their op-ed published in the Montreal Gazette. 

"Parents, grandparents and all who care for children are, therefore, calling on leaders at all levels of government to be courageous to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. All governments — municipal, provincial, and federal — must seize this opportunity to show true leadership."

Read the full article here

Parents call for electric school buses in B.C.

Electric School Bus Campaigner Ruth Kamnitzer and Pembina Institute analyst Colton Kasteel collaborated to write this powerful op-ed for the Victoria Times Colonist. They make a strong argument for why all new school buses should be electric in B.C. (and hopefully this will provide a model for other provinces too).