February 2024
Parents 4 Climate Victoria held two special events this winter. In December, Kate organized an intergenerational group to get outside and pull invasive vines - and then turn them into beautiful winter wreaths! Kate's favourite part about the event was the age range of the participants. The youngest was four and the eldest was ninety-four!
Then, in early January, Kate held a mending workshop at Tree of Life Playschool in Esquimalt. Twelve people joined, bringing clothes to mend. Local author Sarah Marie Wiebe, whose recent book was the focus of For Our Kids' book club and author conversation, joined as well!
Want to come to the next Parents 4 Climate Victoria event? Sign up to Parents 4 Climate's newsletter to get updates on events like these. Want to lend a hand with Parents 4 Climate Victoria? Reach out to [email protected] and we'll put you in touch with Kate.