What To Do

Parents and grandparents have a superpower - the love of our kids and grandkids. When we organize around that love and turn it into action, there's nothing we can't accomplish.

But what do we actually do? Climate change is big and daunting so we need to break it down into smaller pieces and take those on, inspiring others to do the same. The more of us that do this, the more it adds up to bigger change.

Here we simplify things down into three steps you can take, each of which we can help you with:


1) Find Some Friends

2) Take Something On

3) Tell The Story


When you find some friends to do this with, you gain support and take things out of the zone of purely individual action which won't get us where we need to go. There may already be a local team or group that you can join - check with us. If not, we can help you recruit and form a team. If you are already in a group, considering joining the network and we can help you in these ways.

Then, your team or group doesn't need to take it all on at the same time, but does need to take something on, some bite-sized piece. As a group of parents or grandparents, what project is the best fit for you? We have some suggestions, and there are also other teams and groups doing things that we can learn from.

You amplify your impact when you tell the story of your work so that others can be inspired to act too. This is a core part of the work of the For Our Kids network, to help capture and lift up those stories so that we built a movement together, so please join and let us know what you are up to!


Feel free to reach out at  hello [at] forourkids [dot] ca 

Let's do this.