With the end of COP15, two parents from the For Our Kids network delivered a gift to the office of Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault in Montréal.
Parents delivered a strong message on COP15
We gave the Minister a copy of the letter that parents across the country have sent to Guilbeault, Prime Minister Trudeau, provincial premiers, their MPs, and the Executive Secretary of UN Convention on Biological Diversity Elizabeth Maruma Mrema. We also included op-eds written by parents about COP15 (check them out here and here), and a collection of nature-inspired artwork from families across Canada as showcased in our book "What We Love", as well as photos from kids and parent actions at COP15.
COP15 set an important foundation for global commitments to protecting biodiversity and reversing human impact on the natural systems that sustain us. We now hope world leaders will use what happened at COP15 as a springboard to accelerate efforts and meet targets.
A huge thank you to the parents and allies who sent letters, who marched in Montreal and in their communities, and who have been following COP15. And to all the over forty parent organizations worldwide who signed onto our letter, thank you -- for your support and crucial work fighting for our kids and the planet!
The work's never over, and while we're happy that an agreement was reached, we'll be continuing to watch and push to ensure that Canada and the provinces really do deliver on 30 by 2030. And that globally and in Canada, Indigenous rights are protected - check out these recent articles for more on Indigenous rights and biodiversity: Amnesty article, Narwhal article.