Just Transition Consultation Submission

For Our Kids Alberta, For Our Kids Burnaby, For Our Kids Cowichan, Pour Nos Enfants / For Our Kids Montréal, For Our Kids Nanaimo-Ladysmith, and Parents for Climate Victoria have submitted a joint submission to the Just Transition Federal Consultation process.

You can see our Google Doc version of the text, and the final version in PDF here in this Just Transition Consultation 2022 shared folder on google drive (under team leaders folder - federal politics - just transition consultation 2022). Here's our final draft in google doc form. 

**If your team would like to submit something directly to Natural Resources Canada for this consultation process, you can until April 30th, 2022. We encourage you to use the text as a template and make your own submission. You can email it to: [email protected]  

Here's the government website with more details about the callout for submissions.

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Provincial election - Ontario June 2022

This space is for teams in Ontario to share resources and collaborate on actions leading up to Ontario's provincial election. If you're not able to access the documents shared to this page, contact [email protected]

The main strategy so far is to ask candidates a set of consistent questions, compile the responses, and share them publicly. Please let me know if you or your team is interested in this strategy, as we can provide the support.

Here are some suggested questions, along with information about finding local candidates and voting information. These are also being shared on FOK's public-facing page about the election: forourkids.ca/ontario_election2022

Please keep in mind that For Our Kids is a non-partisan network. We cannot endorse or denounce candidates or parties - we can only present the information we compile from legitimate sources.

Here are plenty more resources - these are also included in the public-facing page: