Teams across the For Our Kids network have been involved in creative campaigns to push for swift and expansive Just Transition legislation from the Canadian government. As part of those efforts, teams have also banned together to make a formal submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources Just Transition consultation process.
For Our Kids Teams Make Submission to Ministry of Natural Resources
For Our Kids Alberta, For Our Kids Burnaby, For Our Kids Cowichan, Pour Nos Enfants / For Our Kids Montréal, For Our Kids Nanaimo-Ladysmith, and Parents for Climate Victoria co-wrote a joint submission to represent parents across the country. An excerpt:
Dear Natural Resources Canada,
We are teams in the national For Our Kids network, comprised of parent-led, community-based grassroots groups involved in climate action. We represent parents, guardians, grandparents, and kids in our communities and across the country, and we’re submitting joint feedback on your Just Transition consultation process. Canada is already late legislating a just transition. Our families – our kids – deserve better.
We know the Just Transition Act is a key part of our transition away from a fossil fuel–based economy, into one that puts Indigenous Peoples, workers, the environment, our communities and our kids first. Though promised back in 2019, this legislation is moving way too slowly, which indicates that the Liberal government is not listening to what Indigenous knowledge and science is telling us. Your actions do not align with what Canada needs to do to ensure a livable planet for our kids.
Getting this legislation right and passing it quickly is one of the most important tasks of your government. It will mean the difference between a Canada our kids can thrive in, or a world filled with suffering. See photos below of our families and our public actions to support Just Transition Legislation, as a reminder of our commitment to create a better world for all our kids. But we can’t do this alone. We need you to take the action this crisis requires. Create a new Ministry of Just Transition and enact the bold and inspiring transition our kids and all future generations need.
The parents, guardians, grandparents and kids of: For Our Kids Alberta, For Our Kids Burnaby, For Our Kids Cowichan, Pour Nos Enfants / For Our Kids Montréal, For Our Kids Nanaimo-Ladysmith, Parents for Climate Victoria.
Check out the full submission here.
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