Headwinds ahead

December 10, 2024

By Matt Price, founder of For Our Kids

I remember feeling so overwhelmed by climate change. It was just too big and all encompassing that I didn’t know what to do, or even if anything could be done.

And most of all, I felt like I was letting down our son, Oliver, who is going to experience far worse impacts than me.

I wondered if other parents were feeling the same way. After all, our love of our kids is a powerful thing. Perhaps even more powerful than those profiting from fossil fuels.

So five years ago I helped set up For Our Kids, asking if other parents and caregivers wanted to join in with actions in their local communities across Canada. It turned out I wasn’t alone – lots of us felt the same way.

Since then, For Our Kids members have taken hundreds of actions, from our schools to city halls, from our provincial capitals to Ottawa, all pushing for an adequate response to the climate crisis.

We’ve shown that our love of our kids can be a superpower, and that by joining together we can create something bigger than the sum of us.

But this work doesn’t “just happen.” Supporting the network of thousands of volunteers is a small but dedicated team. They welcome new members, coach them in their actions, and provide support to local teams.

Our donations keep this team running and projects moving forward. It’s great value for money because it’s supporting so many people in taking action.

It looks like 2025 will bring greater headwinds against climate progress given a shifting political environment. This makes the work of For Our Kids more important than ever. As parents and caregivers we need to hold the line, and then press forwards.

So please join me in making a donation. Becoming a monthly donor provides good stability to the organization, but every kind of donation helps.

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