Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021 matters--a lot. As much as our network celebrated the beauty and value of the world around us, we also held our social, financial and political leaders accountable to their promises to address climate change and break down the systems which continue to destroy the ecological integrity of our world. Earth Day 2021 was all about accountability and our teams made their voices heard across Canada. 


Alayne Moody of Pour Nos Enfants/For Our Kids Montreal rose at the crack of dawn to give an interview to CJAD-800 radio about the Earth Day Disposable Mask Clean-Up and the joy of a sustainable life. The team worked with their communities to pick up masks across the city while urging Premier Legault to allow citizens to wear reusable masks. 


In the midst of a provincial lockdown, For Our Kids Toronto worked hard to spread the word about the need to make Bill C-12, Canada's Climate Accountability Act, as robust and aggressive as possible to meet our international emissions targets and create a thriving green energy economy. The team contacted their members of parliament through a letter writing campaign and petition to keep the political pressure strong as the bill moves through the house. 


The team in Canada's capital had to pivot quickly after lockdown measures were introduced. For Our Kids Ottawa/Gatineau transformed their pop-up art campaign across the city into a series of photos and videos asking municipal, provincial and federal governments for sustainable climate solution

Parents filmed videos with their children to show governments that we are doing this for our kids and that it is up to us to find real answers to the questions that will come up in their life time. 


Speaking of real answers, our very own Lella Blumer has had enough with the huge investment major banks like Toronto Dominion have made and continue to make in the fossil fuel industry. On Accountable Earth Day, Lella toured the TD Green Energy Park in London Ontario to showcase the fact that minor changes are not enough to battle the enormous impact climate change is already having on our world. Lella knows that withdrawing her personal investments is only a drop in the bucket but every drop in a river can lead to a waterfall of change.


In nearby Dundas, Ontario, more banks were being held accountable by the incredibly devoted partners who have been protesting outside major banks every week since early 2021. As Lella noted, every individual holding banks accountable is part of a larger movement which will spur much needed change in the economic sectors of Canada and the world. 


For Our Kids North Shore galvanized its network to unfurl two huge banners in prime locations, visit their local MLA's office to hammer home the message and conduct an amazing interview with the North Shore News on the critical importance of Premier Horgan honouring his commitment to protect BC's old growth and cedar forests. Marian Hazke knows that keeping BC's forest intact is a key piece of the province's climate change strategy.


Babies for Climate Action worked with their team to gather independent Earth Day actions from parents and young children to showcase the need for simple, meaningful work. Nora, a six-year-old climate activist, wanted to wish every person on earth a Happy Earth Day while other mothers cared for the earth by planting a pollinator garden.



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