Parents ask BC government for more electric school buses

Jen Edwards (For Our Kids Sunshine Coast), presented to the BC Finance Committee on August 31, 2021 to request the province increase funding for electric school buses in their 2022 budget.


Take a listen to her presentation:

An excerpt:

BC’s school bus acquisition program bought 18 electric school buses last year, out of 101 school buses purchased. That means that 83 diesel buses were added to our network. Those new diesel buses will each spend over a decade on the road, adding to BC’s emissions and to pollution getting into the lungs of BC students.

Our hope - and our request to you - is that the next BC budget ensures we get to 100% electric school bus acquisition. Every new diesel bus is a wasted opportunity, and we need to transition the existing fleet as fast as possible to reduce emissions and protect our kids’ health.

Being climate leaders will also communicate to our kids that adults are listening. They want a transition to a low-carbon world.

There’s nothing a parent wouldn’t do to protect their child, and so I’m asking you to invest in the health and well being of all our children.

Find out more about school actions you can take and make sure to join the For Our Kids network. 


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