Stand for the Land

Stand for the Land is a collaboration of individuals and groups challenging environmentally-destructive policies and decisions being made across Ontario.


Things like:

  • MZOs - the government's overuse and misuse of Ministerial Zoning Orders (MZOs) to rush development through at the cost of protected areas
  • Growth Plans - the province putting pressure on municipalities across the Greater Golden Horseshoe to extend their growth plans through to 2050 and submit them while public, in-person consultation is not possible  
  • Highway expansion - the government's ongoing support for new highway development like Hwy 413 and the Bradford Bypass which would pave over farmland and ecologically sensitive areas

Find out more about these and other issues here.

If you're part of a group or heading a project yourself that puts healthy, liveable, smart communities above highways, sprawling suburbs and superfluous commercial development, we'd like to hear from you. This is intended to be a “stronger together” approach, supporting the actions that are already under way and amplifying voices further.

We realize that changing the direction in which Ontario is heading will be a challenge. But we also know that learning from and supporting each other's actions gives us a better chance of impacting that direction.

Check out the extensive actions happening across the province, including the Yours to Protect campaign from Environmental Defence, and let us know about yours so we can include it. Then, add your name to the growing list of collaborators: 

and don't forget to follow us on Facebook.