Thinking ahead to the school year? For Our Kids is launching an electric school bus campaign - find out more and get on board here. Maybe you'd like your school district to declare a climate emergency, come up with a climate action plan, cut GHG emissions, integrate climate change into the curriculum, plant pollinator gardens, or something else ... let us know your plans or ideas at [email protected]
Speaking of September: It's not too early to think about how you can support Fridays for Future's Global Climate Strike on Sept. 24.
Ready to dump your bank? If you've had it with your bank's support for the fossil fuel industry and have decided this summer is the time to break up with them, here are some ideas.
Wondering what's next with Bill C-12? Find out here!
Bored with your streaming service? Check out FOK's YouTube channel for an amazing lineup of informative and engaging videos featuring experts and real people - like you - involved in real climate action.
If some light reading is more your style: Take a look through the Our Stories blog for inspiring stories from FOK teams, including how FOK teams rocked the House on Bill C-12
Need more? It looks like a federal election campaign is right around the corner, so stay tuned!