Build a School Garden

Some kids like squeezing soil through their fingers. Some will spend hours drawing a sprouting bean. Some are meticulous weeders, others like taking on responsibility for watering. And for some, the harvest is the highlight. 

In the classroom we can teach kids about sustainability, about biology, about taking care of the earth - but in a garden, we can bring those lessons to life. There are an abundance of resources out there; a school garden start up guideschool gardening advice from Farm to School BC,  and resources from Ontario.

School gardens do take a fair amount of work, and in many schools, parent involvement is key to their success. Your school might need help with funding, expertise, making sure plants are taken care of on weekends and holidays, or other tasks teachers might not be able to manage all the time. 

If you are involved in a school gardening project, we'd love to know!



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