Promote Outdoor & Climate Education in your School

Many of our parents feel strongly about making sure kids are learning the right things, in the right ways. That means climate and sustainability education integrated across the curriculum, schools leading by example, and plenty of chances for kids to get outside and experience nature.

Some schools and districts are already doing a fantastic job on this; others could use some improvement. Either way, there's plenty opportunity for parents to get involved.

Climate and outdoor education are both BIG topics, with lots of options. If you are interested in pursuing action on climate and outdoor education in your school or district, here are a couple of things to think about before you get started.

Do some research

What's already going on? For example, has your school reviewed when and where climate and/or outdoor education are included in the curriculum? What's been done in the past? Sometimes initiatives wax and wane depending on staff. Take a look at the strategic plan - are climate change or environmental sustainability mentioned?

Map out the decision makers

One you've got an idea of what specific initiative you'd like to focus on, think about who the decision makers are. For example, if you're focusing on school gardens, you'll probably need to get the okay from your school principal. If you'd like to see senior level courses in climate action, you'll probably need to speak with the school board and superintendent.

Find some friends and allies

Try to identify staff within the school who will be supportive - perhaps a teacher that runs a gardening project, or just someone who has an educational background in sustainability. Look for community partners too, who might already offer outdoor or environmental programs - and, of course, talking with parents is a great idea too. Once you have some idea of what you'd like to do, presenting at a Parent Advisory Council can be a good way to get wider support.

Tell your story

Success leads to more success. Share your story with your friends, get some media attention, and communicate with your school community. And, keep in touch! We'd love to hear how you are getting on, and are happy to offer support along the way.




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