Right now, the NZAB is preparing a report on key guiding principles to help set targets for the oil and gas sector. 
The deadline for submissions is Dec. 22 but don't let that incredibly tight deadline stop you from sharing your thoughts! Below are links to suggested responses and a template submission to help you.
Remember: use your voice and your story. You do not need to be an expert on the science of climate change. Your perspective as a parent, grandparent or caregiver concerned about the impact of GHG emissions on your child's health and their future is what is needed.
Here's a great template response put together and generously shared by the FOK Toronto team.
It's based on this compilation of suggested responses from teams in the FOK network.
And here are more suggested responses shared by Climate Messengers Canada
What to do
- You can submit as a group or as an individual.
- You can submit one response (as in the template above) or enter your answer to each of the four questions directly on the NZAB website.
- Here's the link to submit in either format. You'll also find more information at that link about the NZAB and the public consultation process.
- Send a copy of your submission to [email protected]
- Share a link to this page with your networks and encourage as many people as possible to make submissions.
Then what?
The NZAB notes on its website that this is the first step in the process of preparing its report. In early 2022, NZAB will share a report on the public consultation and its advice to government. Along with online engagement, the board will also meet with groups virtually. Stay tuned for more opportunities to participate, and sign up for updates from the NZAB.