Join the Campaign for a Green and Just Recovery

Join the Campaign for a Green and Just Recovery

COVID-19 is a warning of how devastating a planetary crisis can be. As we continue to tackle it, our kids and grandkids face potential waves of new crises - fires, floods, droughts, and global insecurity - due to climate change.

Canada's federal and provincial governments are putting billions of dollars into economic recovery. How they spend that money is critical to the kind of world our children will grow up in: will it be a healthier, more sustainable, more just society, or will it further entrench the climate destruction and injustices that pre-dated COVID-19? Here's more about a green and just recovery

At the same time, Canada's path to reach net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 (Bill C-12) is being debated at the federal level, and For Our Kids groups across the country are speaking up to make sure it does the job. Find out more and get involved, here.

Sign and share the petition to federal party leaders

Contact your MP and provincial representatives

Make art and images

Write a letter to the editor

Host a Virtual Town Hall