Climate change is causing a youth mental health crisis -- and adults are stepping up!

There's growing awareness that Canada's big five banks are funding the climate crisis with their investments in the fossil fuel industry. Victoria grandmother Kathryn Malloy has been working with Gabrielle Wilms, our Banking campaigner, and other parents and grandparents, on issues around banks.


With RBC and other bank AGMs taking place in April, amid growing news of the impact of climate change on our youth, and the narrow window for reducing emissions, it's urgent that we take action now!

This op-ed was truly a group effort, and includes a photo from the Toronto For Our Kids' team's recent action in front of RBC. It also includes a sneak peak at our new banking campaign video. Check it out here!

Check out more on the Banks campaign here

Read the full National Observer op-ed here.

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We banned tobacco ads; why not those for fossil fuels?

Such a move would send a clear message that we are seeking a new normal for the sake of the planet’s health and for our kids.

This month, NDP MP Charlie Angus introduced Bill C-372, “An Act respecting fossil fuel advertising” in the House of Commons. This was modelled on the act targeting tobacco advertisements. Reaction was swift and extreme with overblown claims that ordinary citizens would be jailed for sharing positive opinions about oil and gas. Hopefully, common sense will prevail.