Speak up for climate action at election time

Elections are an important time to show political parties that parents are watching where they stand on climate action. 

You can help to mainstream climate change as an election issue by showing all political parties that climate action matters to you. How? Tell them you're a concerned parent and ask how they plan to tackle the climate emergency. Talk to canvassers at your door and on the phone, and to candidates at community events or at local debates.

It's ok if you don't have all the answers! What matters is that all parties hear that parents are worried about how climate change is impacting children, and that we want the government to take climate change seriously.

Ask candidates and canvassers questions about climate change that connect to your experience as a parent. Here are some examples:

  • "Public transit is important to me and my kids. It saves our family money and it's an environmentally friendly way for us to get around. Canadian households can save on average $10 K a year by using public transit. How will your party support the growth and accessibility of public transit for everyone, including families and children?"
  • "As a parent, I want to show my kids that our family is taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint by switching off of gas powered heating and buying an electric heat pump. Will your party support Canadians to decarbonize their homes by funding a program for switching to heat pumps?"
  • "As a parent, I’m increasingly concerned about the effects of climate change on our children and future generations. Extreme heat and heat related illnesses are especially dangerous for infants and young children. Higher exposure to air pollution and wildfire smoke is causing elevated rates of asthma in kids and other long-term health risks. How does your party plan to protect vulnerable citizens, including children, from the growing health risks of the climate crisis?"


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