
Anti-Racism Training

This event has already taken place.

Session One

Systemic Racism in Canada: The History Parents Need to Know

Friday, October 20, 2023

10 am PT / 11 am MT/ 12 noon CT/ 1 pm ET/ 2 pm AT


This training series, developed and presented by Moms Against Racism, resulted from numerous requests from For Our Kids' teams for more support and training on integrating anti-racist values and practices into their community organizing, including how to build more inclusive and diverse teams.

Sessions are open for all local team members and individual parents in the For Our Kids network. Participants are asked to attend all three trainings. Being part of a cohort of learners will help us support each other in applying what we learn across our teams and network in real time.    

Systemic Racism in Canada: The History Parents Need to Know

Session One builds on the concepts introduced in the "How to Raise an Anti-Racist Child" session presented by Moms Against Racism in 2021 and 2022 to the For Our Kids network (note: participation in that training would be helpful, but is not a pre-requisite).      

The main learning objectives are:

  1. Review concepts: racialization, racialized, and colonialism
  2. Highlight the relation between colonization and racism
  3. Review historical to present day examples of racism in Canada
  4. Understand the racial impacts of colonization   

Register for the next sessions in the series: 

Session Two: How Racism Shows up in Your Teams

Friday, November 17

10am PT /11am MT/ 12pm CT / 1 pm ET / 2pm AT (1 hour)

Session Three: Using Your Power and Privilege to Dismantle Racism

Saturday, January 20

10am PT /11am MT/ 12pm CT / 1 pm ET / 2pm AT (2 hours)

About the Session Presenter

Kerry Cavers is a community builder and founder of Moms Against Racism. For Our Kids members who have attended "How to Raise an Anti-Racist Child" have experienced Kerry's thoughtful, purposeful, and caring leadership through sometimes difficult examinations of the biases and racism that is ingrained in our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

We are deeply grateful to Kerry for her dedication to providing this more in-depth training series for FOK members. 

The mission of Moms Against Racism is to educate individuals in anti-racism, cultural competence, and decolonization so they have the tools and support to dismantle racism within themselves, their families, and their communities. 

What we heard from members who attended previous workshops with Kerry:

"I found it infinitely valuable and inspiring. Kerry is an amazing speaker." 

"I have much more confidence now on how to continue my anti-racist journey."