Our first duty as parents and grandparents is to protect our kids and grand kids. We’d do anything to keep them safe from harm.
Unfortunately, climate change is already disrupting our weather patterns, bringing more fires, floods, and droughts, directly affecting things like food production and human health. Climate scientists tell us we are currently on track for much worse – a world so dangerous that it’s hard to imagine.
It’s tempting to think that “somebody else” has got this covered, but that’s not true. So far, our governments are acting timidly, and even then face push back from those who don’t want to change.
Besides, the kind of change we need requires all of us to get involved in all corners of our society, from schools to businesses, from cities to provinces, from nations to the global community. We are all needed.
For Our Kids is a network of Canadian parents and grandparents who are choosing to step up at this critical moment to do what we can where we can because our kids deserve a livable world.
We are coming together to act in our communities, one project at a time, inspiring others to do the same until there’s a movement right across the country.
Please join us. Our kids need us, and we need you.
You can sign up here, or else drop us a line at hello [at] forourkids [dot] ca or text/call 250-466-9709.