VPG Climate Action Team

We are very excited to announce the launch of the Vancouver-Point Grey Multi-generational Climate Action Team!

The climate crisis presents an existential crisis and threatens the health, safety and security of all people, including younger and future generations and requires elected officials, business and community stakeholders and individuals to all work together.

Climate-concerned parents from For Our Kids Vancouver in the Vancouver Point Grey riding have engaged with MLA David Eby as their representative Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) to jointly establish a Multi-generational Climate Action Team.

The Vancouver-Point Grey Multi-generational Climate Action Team’s mandate is to bring together a diverse group of Vancouver-Point Grey constituents to:

  • Facilitate community conversations and build grassroots support for riding-level climate action.
  • Design and lead riding-level initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; transition away from fossil fuels; and build resilient communities, for example, through such initiatives as:
    • Supporting safe and active transportation and reduced car use;
    • Increasing local food security;
    • Supporting increased residential density;
    • Supporting heat pump conversions and building energy savings and more…

A diverse team of 8-10, climate-informed members will work together to bring multi-generational voices and perspectives to local climate action.

Do you think that you are up to the task? Are you able to commit to monthly, virtual meetings? We are seeking applicants of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, and experiences to apply! Applications will be accepted until November 10, 2023.

To apply, request the online application form from [email protected]. If you have any questions, please email the co-chairs Tarlan Razzaghi of For Our Kids Vancouver and Sofia Ngieng of MLA Eby’s Constituency Office.