Jinhwa Hwong-Ambrose

Team Organizers' Meeting - Session A

This event has already taken place.

A check-in for team organizers: those taking a leadership role in their local FOK teams &/or empowered to represent their team at national check-ins. Team organizers are the roots holding this grassroots network together. We want to support and appreciate you however we can. 

Team organizers' meetings are a way to:

  • get support from each other and from the network team through skill-building and development sessions based on your needs

  • connect with each other about the challenges and successes you're experiencing

  • collaborate on common issues and actions

  • (If you're not part of a FOK team and you're interested in forming one, find out more here

Team Organizers' meetings for 2024

More dates to be added soon! Meetings are for 1-2 team organizers (or an active representative) from each team in the FOK network. 

Monday Feb. 12, 2024

Attend the session that works for you
  Session A: 4pm PT/ 5pm MT/ 6pm CT/ 7pm ET/ 8pm AT
  Session B: 7pm PT/ 8pm MT/ 9pm CT/ 10pm ET

We're here to help the grassroots thrive. You can always reach out for support: [email protected]