For Our Kids

Summer Family Action: Curious Climate Conversations!

This event has already taken place.

This family-friendly summer action is open to all ages and abilities, anytime and anywhere!

All you need to do is engage in a conversation with someone to explore what's on their mind, and see if there's a connection with climate change. Here are a few ideas:

  • young kids could ask a grandparent or older relative what summers were like when they were kids
  • older kids could practice with a family conversation around the table during a meal
  • adults, you could casually start or join a conversation with neighbours, on your summer travels, at work, or wherever the opportunity presents itself

The goal is to gently weave threads of connection by actively listening to what is on people's minds and looking for common ground. For many people, "climate change" is a vague, intangible and overwhelming concept that they have not yet directly connected with their daily lives. Having a curious climate conversation is a chance to open the door to making that connection.

Bonus: if you share your curious climate conversation story with us, your name will be entered in a draw for three awesome book prizes! We'll make the draw at the end of the summer.

Find out more about this action and how to enter, here

Seasonal Family Climate Actions are designed for you to get involved from wherever you are and on your own timeline. We hope you and your family will join in around your kitchen table, or with friends or neighbours. You’ll be acting with hopeful families across the country and making a difference. Make sure you're signed-up here for updates.