Looking for Collaborators! Save, Don't Pave Campaign
Groups across Ontario are working on campaigns to challenge environmentally-degrading decisions being made at the provincial level. A few examples:
Ontario Nature's Stop the Sprawl and pushback on the misuse of Ministerial Zoning Orders
Actions by Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet (GASP) - pushing to extend the deadline for municipal official plans until after public consultation is possible
Widespread opposition to changes to the authority of Conservation Authorities across the province
There are many other community efforts to protect local areas from development. Underpinning all these actions is a call to recognize that land is not a resource or commodity to be sold off to the highest bidder, and that decisions are being made at the provincial level without public consultation or consideration of their environmental impact.
For Our Kids is a network of active parents and grandparents concerned about the world we're creating for kids, and we're reaching out to groups across Ontario who want to be part of tackling this issue together.
If you're part of a local community group, provincial organization, or self-motivated to take action, please join this brainstorming session on Wed. March 3 @ 10 am ET. We'll have a brief presentation from GASP, followed by a strategic discussion of collaborative actions.
Please register below to get a link to the Zoom meeting.
Questions? You can reach [email protected]