Support Regina City Council's Climate Emergency Motion

Thanks to those who participated in the Oct. 4th meeting about a campaign to have Saskatchewan's school districts declare a climate emergency, and a big thank you again to Kate Lawes for presenting to use about the path that Victoria has taken towards getting their school district to take serious climate action.

If you missed the meeting and would like to be involved, you are welcome! Please reach out to us at [email protected]

In the meantime, our first step is to support a very important motion coming forward at Regina's City Council on October 27th that will include, if passed, a city-level recognition that we are in a climate emergency and a very clear commitment to doing something about it. Here is a link to the full motion.

Having this motion pass would help us in our efforts to get schools in Regina on board with making similar commitments, and then other school districts in the province may be inspired to follow suit!

Here are some ways you can voice your support:

Your voices are needed! Please consider supporting this motion in at least one of the ways listed above!