Want to use your superpower as a parent and involve your kids in sending a message to the Mayor and Council? Here are some ideas:
- Babies and small toddlers can add their foot and hand prints to a poster with a message like "Climate Change won't wait for the deficit to be paid off"
- Toddlers to teens can draw or paint pictures with their version of what a green & just recovery could look like, asking them to fund it. They can use this template to colour if they like.
- School-aged kids can draw up a report card for City Councillor and grade them on their leadership skills and their performance on supporting climate action and a just recovery. It might help to watch a recording of a Council meeting - or follow media coverage of the decisions made by Council. Be sure to add comments to back up the grade they're being given!
- Teens can flex their activist skills by writing a letter to their Councillor and the Mayor asking for their commitment to fund the climate change master plan as planned (they can use this as background if they need it).
Share your pictures and stories
To have a bigger impact, take a picture of your kids' submission and share on social media. If you send to us (please!), we'll amplify. Send to marigane [at] me [dot] ca or tag us on Facebook You could also make a quick video.