North Shore January Meeting
We CAN reverse global warming! Hear local activists share the good news from that we can avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change and meet the IPCC goals with solutions already in hand.
January 19, 8pm PT
Register below for a link to this Zoom meeting
Jim Bronson comes at the issue as a scientist, and Sandi Goldie as an educator. These grandparents are devoting their "rewirement years" to founding and bringing the good news to BC, based on the book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, Paul Hawkins' environmental book of the year for 2017.
If you want a sneak peak, check out one of the dozen copies of the book at North Vancouver City Library, or pick up your own copy at 32 Books. Or you can see Jim and Sandi's TEDxBCDrawdown presentation which was part of October's Global Launch of Countdown, and find out all the solutions that are being implemented right here in our province.