Our school districts not only help decide what's taught in our schools, but they are also responsible for multiple buildings and vehicles - sources of emissions and opportunities for climate action.
School districts are also run by elected officials who are accountable to us, parents and grandparents.
If you haven't yet, read about a group of parents in Victoria, BC, who ran a successful campaign to get their school board to declare a "climate emergency" and to ask staff to present them with options for stepping up climate action.
Your team could do this too. Here's some tips, based on the work in Victoria:
1) Research. Has your Board already done anything on climate change? And, how does your Board work in terms of committees and motions and public delegations? Can you talk to any Board members for advice? What could a sample motion look like?
2) Choose a suitable meeting to make a presentation, at least a month away to give enough time to build support. Ask for a delegation slot. This may be at a Board sub committee as a first step.
3) Reach out to parent advisory councils, student groups, teacher groups, and other potential allies to ask for support and involvement. This could be letters of support to present, or could be in-person help.
4) Spread the word on Facebook and other places. Ask people to come to the meeting to show support.
5) Try to find a friendly Board member who will put forward a motion at the meeting.
6) Alert the local media a few days prior to the meeting - send out an advisory.
7) Do something visual and fun before the meeting, like a supporter march with signs and a speaker or two outside the building.
8) If you get a motion passed, spread the word! If there's no motion yet, follow up with Board members.
9) Depending on if it's at committee first, you may need to repeat steps 2-7 for the full Board.
10) When you win - celebrate! Put out a press release. Congratulate your team. Break bread with allies.