For Our Kids

How to Raise an Anti-Racist Child

This event has already taken place.

If you missed the chance to participate in this workshop last fall, here's your chance to join us on Saturday, Sept. 17 for an impactful session with Kerry Cavers, community builder and founder of Moms Against Racism

The past two years have brought many of us to a place of internal and societal reckoning of the racism embedded within the culture and systems of our communities and within ourselves. Kerry will thoughtfully and purposefully lead us through examining the biases and racism ingrained in our thoughts, beliefs and actions. 

The mission of Moms Against Racism is to educate individuals in anti-racism, cultural competence, and decolonization so they have the tools and support to dismantle racism within themselves, their families, and their communities. This workshop will focus on the belief that we all have the power to change the world through the relationships we build with “our” children. We have the power to shape the next generations. We have the power to end racism where it starts - in the home.

What we heard from members who attended the workshop last fall:

"I found it infinitely valuable and inspiring. Kerry is an amazing speaker." 

"I have much more confidence now on how to continue my anti-racist journey."

We'll gift one randomly-selected workshop participant with a Diverse Book Basket for their family, school, or public library. 

Register below to receive the link for this online session. Questions? You'll find us at [email protected]