Kaslo Parents (Str)Hike for Climate
This summer, Kaslo, BC resident and parent Tamara found herself thinking of something she could do with her kids to send a message to those with the power to make the kinds of changes that are desperately needed.
Her idea: families in communities across the territory known by settlers as Canada collect pledges for a “Kids’ Hike for Climate”, at the same time teaching kids in an age-appropriate way about climate change and sending their message demanding change to wherever they feel it most needs to be heard. They could choose groups to support through fundraising and can choose their message, while helping kids move their bodies and connect with the beauty of nature.
She's starting with her own community, and inviting anyone who cares about kids and the future of the planet to plan actions in their own community, either on September 24th, to coincide with a Fridays for Future's global climate strike, or at another time that works for them. More learning resources and details can be found here.