Record Your Action

We know your actions make a difference and those in positions of authority are noticing. Now, let's keep track of those actions so we can hold elected officials accountable to the people they are elected to represent!

Enter your action in the comment box on the right-hand side of this page, and we'll compile and share them. You can log an email or phone call you made to one of your representatives, a question you raised to a candidate for election, a letter to the editor or op-ed you submitted, or any other action that calls for elected officials to respond. The intent is to build a relationship with those in positions of authority so they hear the voices of parents who want to make the future better for kids!

Entries can be anonymous, or you can share your name and/or location, as well as the name and constituency of the individual you contacted. Photos and short video clips are welcome, too! You can send them to galen [at] forourkids [dot] ca 

Hi friend