Climate Emergency Action Plan


Tomorrow on June 8th, Vancouver City Council will vote to delay the implementation of an important part of the Climate Emergency Action plan.  When CEAP was passed late last year, Vancouver was considered a climate leader in Canada, but delaying the zero emissions building plan would significantly slow the energy transition and put our city's reputation as a climate leader at risk.  For our Kids Vancouver has written a letter to Mayor and Council opposing the delay, but we encourage you to write too.  Please find our opposition letter to Council here.  It's important that the City of Vancouver know you want climate action and the building plan of CEAP to be implemented as planned.

Here are some recommendations suggested by the David Suzuki Foundation to make when communicating your your opposition to delay the building plan:

Council made history passing the zero emissions building plan
Vancouver was celebrated as a national climate leader
Delaying the zero emissions building plan puts the city’s reputation at risk
It will also lock in higher carbon emissions
A delay means Vancouver risks missing its science-aligned climate targets
Ask council not to delay the zero emissions building plan and to keep its climate commitments.

Write directly to Council here.

Thank you for taking action!


In November 2020, Vancouver City Council will voted to pass the Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP). This is our chance to have REAL CLIMATE ACTION in our city.... finally.

Background - What is CEAP: 

In January 2019, Vancouver City Council unanimously declared a climate emergency ... This declaration set a course for Vancouver to... accelerate local climate action to align with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. The 1.5°C goal is set in the Paris Agreement and represents a level of global warming that would limit the most devastating impacts of climate breakdown and avoid overwhelming society’s capacity to adapt.

In April 2019, Vancouver City Council unanimously approved the Climate Emergency Response report, [which set out] six new objectives for this decade (referred to as “Big Moves”), intended to achieve a 50% cut in carbon pollution by 2030.

Now, CEAP provides a 5- year plan that will put the City on track to achieve “Big Moves” on two of Vancouver’s largest greenhouse emitters: transportation and buildings. 

The full Climate Emergency Action Plan report can be read here.

Big Moves Mean Real Action but We Must Call for Change

CEAP is set to significantly reduce carbon emissions - 50% by 2030. We are talking exceeding IPCC targets! To achieve this, CEAP is looking to get us out of our cars and fossil fuels out of our buildings while prioritizing equity concerns.  CEAP sets out to, among other things:

  • Implement direct pricing on vehicle trips to capture negative and inequitable impacts 
  • Improve public transit and expand biking and walking networks
  • Eliminate bylaws requiring businesses to guarantee a minimum amount of parking 
  • Implement residential parking permits city-wide based on equity-focused factors
  • Apply residential parking permit surcharge for high-priced gas and diesel vehicle model years 2022 and later
  • Implement programs to increase EV charging options
  • Similar for new buildings, set limits for fossil fuel use in existing buildings targeting the oldest and most polluting buildings first. 
  • Work with BC Hydro and the provincial government to move to electricity rates that support electrification and transition to 100% renewable electricity grid and to provide and expand financial incentives for retrofits of windows, adding insulation, air-tightness, and installing heat recovery ventilation and heat pumps

Action in Transportation Sector Envisions a Better Quality of Life

While CEAP’s recommendations in transportation appear “Big”, they actually follow targets set by council in April 2019, that ⅔ of all trips in Vancouver will be by foot, bike or transit by 2030. They also model policies that are in place in other large cities. Not only will this significantly reduce carbon emissions, but it will:

  • More efficiently use public spaces than road use; 
  • Encourage more diversified and serviced communities; 
  • Encourage exercise and activity for improved physical and mental health; 
  • Decrease carcinogenic and other harmful air pollutants that cause significant health impacts; 
  • Bring people together to support social networks crucial in time of crisis.   

Fear is Only Nature - Our Resilience Empowers Us to Embrace Change

As parents, we get that CEAP’s “Big Moves” may feel scary. We have to remember that no meaningful change or transition happens without fear and resistance. This is only natural. 

However, let’s take the lessons we have learned from the Covid-19 crisis: 

  • There are better ways than the way things have been done.
  • We are all in this together. 
  • We are highly resilient in responding to crisis and can adapt to change.
  • We can live healthier lives by slowing down and forming community.
  • Our kids have told us they are #Notgoingback and it is our duty as parents to listen to their wishes. 

What You Can Do to Support Real Climate Solutions

FOK Vancouver has submitted a letter and registered to speak to City Council on behalf of the group, but we still need individual voices to be heard.

There are several ways you can express your support for CEAP but you must do it soon:

  • The most impactful way to participate is to share your personal story and importance of approval of the Climate Emergency Action Plan directly with Council by submitting a letter.
  • Call City Councillors and asking them to support CEAP.  The David Suzuki Foundation has provided a very helpful tool to assist you in making the call, with talking points and tips here.
  • Use (and customize) Force of Nature Alliance’s form email and tool:
  • Use (and customize) Sustainabiliteens’ form email and tools: 
    General Supporter Email Toolkit & Template
  • Express your support through social media, where you can be creative and make art or a sign, and tag the Mayor and City Councillors. you can find social media handles here.

Here is Our Chance

Here is our chance to be part of real and concrete climate solutions for our kids. The time to act is now. City councillors want to hear your story, your concerns about the climate crisis, and why the CEAP is important to you. There is no such thing as a wrong story to tell. Have your voice heard for your kids. With the approval of CEAP, next Halloween we can rest a little easier knowing that meaningful climate action is happening here in Vancouver, For Our Kids.