
Calgary - Rally for Climate Sanity

This event has already taken place.

For Our Kids Alberta is involved in a local coalition organizing the World Petroleum COUNTER Congress - a rally for climate sanity. Will you join?

Sunday Sept 17th - 4:30pm

In downtown Calgary at City Hall, one block from the WPC event. 

More info at the Calgary Climate Hub's website here.

From the organizing coalition: A global energy transition is upon us at the same time climate super-charged wildfires have started attacking our cities, with large-scale evacuations now our latest, horrific new normal. Rather than stepping up and re-tooling to become the energy leaders of the next century Big Oil has for the most part just doubled down to suck up every last drop of profit they can, our burning cities be damned.

It's against this backdrop the World Petroleum Congress comes to Calgary, Alberta on Sept 17th, 2023. A growing coalition of largely Alberta-based organizations, activists and just regular climate-concerned Albertans are stepping up to let them know this status quo is unacceptable.