Tell BMO to Take Climate Action Now!

Dear CEO Darryl White,

You say you want to “grow the good” but your bank keeps financing oil and gas and driving the climate crisis.

Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, BMO has invested over $138 billion USD in fossil fuels, making you the 18th biggest fossil fuel funder worldwide and the 15th biggest investor in fossil fuel expansion. Right now, you're also ranked third for investment in oil sands, and have one of the worst ratios of dirty to clean energy financing, coming in 88th out of 100 global banks. 

BMO is also a major financier of projects like Coastal Gaslink and Trans Mountain pipelines, which violate Indigenous rights.

Our world is on fire and our kids are counting on you to do the right thing. We need you to:

  • End fossil fuel financing
  • Triple clean energy and renewable investments
  • Respect Indigenous rights and sovereignty, and implement a free, prior and informed consent policy

We want a livable future for our kids. It's time for BMO to be a climate leader and show us "the good" in action!

Thank you,

Concerned parents from across Canada



Will you sign?

BMO says it cares about sustainability and communities, but it's one of Canada's top fossil fuel funders, putting over $138B in fossil fuels since Canada signed the Paris Agreement, and $18B last year alone.

BMO is also the third largest investor in the oil sands, and has one of the worst ratios of dirty to clean energy financing, coming in 88th out of 100 global banks. These investments continue to push us further into climate chaos at a time when we need bold climate action.

Let's tell BMO to show climate leadership by phasing out fossil fuel financing and investing in clean energy now!
