The most important thing you can do as parents, grandparents, and guardians of the kids who will live with the consequences of our actions is to speak up! What are the issues that touch closest to home for you?
Is there a natural habitat near you that's threatened by highway construction or sprawling development?
Agricultural land you want to see safeguarded so local food producers can survive?
Do you have a vision for what a liveable, sustainable community should look like?
Would you prefer to see clean energy powering Ontario's growing electrical grid, rather than ramping up gas production?
Are you worried about yourself, family or friends missing out on employment opportunities in the clean energy, industry and construction sector?
Do you want more resources and strategies for neighbourhoods suffering the most from extreme heat events?
What does the world you want your kids growing up in look like?
For Our Kids is gathering questions from you to send to candidates in a survey, and will share candidate responses. Please add your suggested question below, and add your support for the questions you see posed by others.