Some of our past actions have been:
- Bill C-12. Our MP replied very positively to our email asking him what he was doing to strengthen the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. You can click here in this email from his assistant to read his answer.
We are also getting informed on what the different levels of government are doing about Climate Change in our area:
- At the municipal level: Nanaimo has adopted the the Doughnut Economics framework into REIMAGINE NANAIMO You'll find a good explanation of what Doughnut Economics is if you click on the link.
- At the regional level: You'll find what is done at the Regional District of Nanaimo if you open this document Regional District of Nanaimo_Climate Change
- At the Federal Level: what Paul Manly, our MP, has been doing is described in his email Paul Manly's email about Bill C-12